Shewhothirsts Hiatus and return: Children of a different nature

Aaron Platt

Updated on:

Emperor’s Children revealed, with silence from Shewhothirsts

Children of a different Nature

You may have noticed a distinct lack of activity on the site after the initial flurry, even with the official confirmation that Emperor’s Children are releasing in 2025!

Per the title, Children of a different nature have been keeping me rather busy! After a rather rough arrival we finally welcomed our third home a few months ago and to say it was a whirlwind would be an understatement of the highest order.

Three for the third legion, resplendent in purple of course. And, no, six to follow to the blessed number of Slaanesh is not an option!

A child kissing his baby sister as his old brother cradles her head

Nurgle intervenes to scupper the best laid plans

Nurgle then seemingly conspired to sway yours truly to their side with a bout of ill health.

In all seriousness though I have been rather unwell. The Warhammer 40k Fulgrim reveal passed me by, as did much of the run up to the announcement, until several days later (with his Horus Heresy twin looking down shamefully from my hobby shelf).

I was then undergoing an operation during the big LVO announcement itself when the full Emperor’s Children model lineup was revealed and will likely have more to come. Given the site is a one man labour of love that has left a rather large gap.

Pink and black new Emperor's Children miniatures displayed on a battlefield with a note they were revealed at the 2025 Las Vegas open.

I’ve kept a few articles updated, the Emperor’s Children release date first and foremost, but content may be sporadic for a time just when we’re entering the hype phase. (Trust me, after 25 years of waiting, or thereabouts, I’m right there with you on that).

On to the future of the Emperor’s Children and Shewhothirsts

Given we finally are a full faction, Emperor’s Children are here to stay and I’m certainly sticking with them for the long term, as was always to be the case. What of this site though?

Even reducing the flurry of planned release articles to a trickle we’ll still grow a community here and populate further with the long form content and resources over time.

I remain hopeful there is an appetite for the specific type of content and slower paced forums away from more fast paced media. Given this endeavour was started precisely because this was something I was missing as a fan it’s just a matter of not being alone in that!

Shortly a full review of the LVO reveal will be posted. This will have a (community requested) at-a-glance full summary of everything revealed with some hot takes, speculation and unanswered questions.

We’ll also take a quick look at just how well the Emperor’s Children model lineup was predicted all the way back in April 2024, both in terms of the new model range and those making their way across from the Chaos Space Marine Codex. (Spoiler, rather well, if you include speculation! I don’t think anyone saw Daemons coming though.)

As an added bonus there is some side content to come in the form of a guide to unlocking Emperor’s Children in the Warhammer 40k mobile game Tacticus. This has been my hobby outlet when there were long hours at appointments / hospital to whittle away, and I’ve gone deep.

Several Warhammer 40,000 characters under the Warhammer 40,000 Tacticus banner

As we slip slowly into a new form of Chaos, and find our new normal, Shewhothirsts will continue to endeavour to achieve our stated aim of providing a hub for the followers of the Dark Prince.

Let’s hope all the new devotees of Slaanesh will find an anchor point of resources and community to guide them along the path.


If this has sparked joy, or perhaps something less befitting of Slaanesh and you want to remonstrate with the author, you can join your fellow devotees of Slaanesh in our forums.

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